DynInt002 – Submarine Switches
This little library is loaded with some beefy, old-school, mechanical interfacing: buttons, switches, knobs and levers. It’s a nice change from what we have from the digital switching technology that’s built into most modern electronics. All the sounds in the video above came from this library, but not every individual from any single effect was used. Plenty of unique sounds to help you build some great analog style controls.
- 131MB
- 22 Files containing 110 individual sounds, all files delivered at 24/96
- Metadata embedded and Soundminer ready
- Full track listing and metadata can be viewed by downloading this tab-delimited text file (load into any spreadsheet software such as MS Excel or Open Office Calc)
- Single User License – $25 (for enquiries regarding multiple user licenses, please use the contact form)
- Individual files also available on Sounddogs.com [note: Link goes to general Dynamic Interference library page, not the individual library.]